The Copyright Office conducted a prior study (in 2011 – see comments received) and jointly participated with the USPTO in a roundtable discussion at George Washington University (in May 2012 – blog description). This time, however, the Copyright Office "seeks further input concerning how a copyright small claims system might be structured and function." Id. at 51069. The study seeks information about the following topics:
- Nature of tribunal/process
- Voluntary versus mandatory participation
- Arbitration
- Mediation
- Settlement
- Location of tribunal(s)
- Qualifications and selection of adjudicators
- Eligible works
- Permissible claims
- Permissible claim amount
- Permissible defenses and counterclaims
- Registration (necessity of, prior to filing suit)
- Filing fee
- Initiation of proceeding
- Representation
- Conduct of proceedings
- Discovery, motion practice and evidence
- Damages
- Equitable relief
- Attorneys' fees and costs
- Record of proceedings
- Effect of adjudication
- Enforceability of judgment
- Review/appeals
- Group claims
- Frivolous claims
- Constitutional issues (e.g., separation of powers, 7th Amendment right to trial by jury, personal jurisdiction, and due process)
- State court alternative
- Empirical data
- Funding considerations
- Evaluation of small claims systems
- Other issues
For more information and details about the categories into which the Copyright Office is investigating, please visit the official notice. The Copyright Office's web site for the official comment form is here: